A job advertisement in the local newspaper in May 2000 caught Kathy’s eye in the way it celebrated its caregivers. She took her yellow highlighter and excitedly circled the ad so many times that she couldn’t even read the phone number she was supposed to call. She quickly reached out to a friend, who found the same ad and read her the phone number.
Kathy immediately called the company to inquire about employment and the rest, as they say, is history. When she started as a caregiver over 21 years ago, she never imagined that she would one day work at English Rose with both her daughter and granddaughter.
Today, she and her daughter, Jolynn, are integral members of English Rose’s leadership team. This past January, Kathy’s granddaughter (Jolynn’s daughter), Isabelle (Izzy), also joined the English Rose family as a caregiver.
We sat down with Kathy, Jolynn, and Isabelle as they shared their memories, insights, and wisdom gained from their time at English Rose.
Meet Kathy
Current job role: Staffing Coordinator
Past roles at English Rose: Caregiver, Team Coordinator at Braemar Hills, Home Care, Supervisor at Interlachen
Time working at English Rose: 21 years

1. When did you start working at English Rose? What led you to this job?
I started working at English Rose in June 2000. I had been doing private care for about four years, and when those clients passed away, I was devastated because I not only lost my job, but I had become so close to my clients. I also lost people I really cared about and loved. When my private care job ended, I had started looking in the Star Tribune for another job. I was so sad from the loss that I wasn’t sure I would do that type of work again, but then I came across the English Rose Suites ad.
There was something about that ad. I just liked the way English Rose celebrated their caregivers; it was so personable. When I walked into one of their homes, I immediately loved the environment and fell in love with the residents and my co-workers.
2. What do you like about working at English Rose and what do you like about its company culture?
What I like about the English Rose Suites setting is when a person passes away, you definitely mourn their loss, and that is difficult, but you still have other people to continue to care for. This job has helped give me a healthier approach to death by learning to see it as a natural part of our lives. My mom is 89 years old, and because of this work, I know exactly what she wants when that time comes, and I know that I can honor her wishes.
The best way to describe English Rose’s company culture is that we function as a family. To be able to go to work and get paid to be a part of a family is an extraordinary experience, and it’s not an easy thing to find.

Pictured: Kathy and Jack, an English Rose resident, on New Year’s Eve 2015.
3. What’s your favorite memory at English Rose or favorite story?
We had just opened a new house. This little lady, Agnes, had just moved in. The first day I met her, I took her on an outing to hear music. She was quiet all day and just stared at me with her big round eyes. I worked with her through the evening, and she continued to just stare at me, but she never said a word. When it was time to put her to bed, I said, “I think we are missing one thing,” and I gave her a little kiss on her forehead. I said, “How’s that?” and she looked up and said, “Perfect!” It was so cute, and I will always remember that moment.
4. What do you like about working with the residents and caregivers?
As the Staffing Coordinator, I get to know all the caregivers, which is one of my favorite parts of my role. We only hire the best of the best. Our caregivers come from a lot of different environments and everyone shares their tips. We are learning so much from each other every day. We believe that our caregivers are our best teachers.
5. What is the benefit of all three of you working at English Rose? What do you like about working together?
While we don’t work together directly because we are located in different homes and doing different jobs, we all share a tremendous love for the work that we do, which is so special to me.
6. Do you have any takeaways from working at English Rose?
Working at English Rose has benefited me so much in both my professional and personal life. It has taught me what to get excited about and what to let go of. Most importantly, the residents really teach us how to live life.
Meet Jolynn
Current job role: Home Manager & Home Services Coordinator
Past roles at English Rose: Caregiver, Home Care, Home Services Assistant, Grocery Shopper, Team Mentor
Time working at English Rose: 11 years

1. When did you start working at English Rose? What led you to this job?
I got to know English Rose when my mom began working here because I started bringing my kids, who were very young at the time, to visit with the residents. I really liked spending time in the homes, and I continued to bring my kids even as they got older. My mom was so excited to be a part of English Rose, and we enjoyed sharing that with her. Finally, when my kids reached a certain age, I started working here.
I have worn many hats at English Rose. I first started as a Caregiver/Home Health Aide (HHA).
At first, I was really intimidated that I had never done this type of work before, but the training was so phenomenal that I quickly felt confident.
2. What do you like about working at English Rose and what do you like about its company culture?
For me, English Rose has always been an extension of my family. Whenever I am at English Rose, it feels like I am coming home. It’s exactly like that feeling you get when you come home for the holidays. It is a blessing to work in an environment that you look forward to going to every day with co-workers and residents you love to be with. There is something very special about having a job where you are encouraged to build relationships. You aren’t just a number. You are encouraged to be authentically yourself and share that with your co-workers and residents.

Pictured: Jolynn’s daughter Georgia as a child visiting with an English Rose resident in 2012.
3. What’s your favorite memory at English Rose or favorite story?
My favorite memories are around bringing my kids in to visit when they were younger. When my daughter Georgia was a baby, I would bring her in and the residents loved tickling her little toes. I also remember bringing Girl Scout troops into the houses. We would do activities with the residents and the entire troop. There are so many memories that I share with my kids. One memory that comes to mind is the fact that my daughter named her dog after one of the residents. I also remember that one of the residents loved to braid my daughter’s hair.
4. What do you like about working with the residents and caregivers?
My favorite thing about working here is building relationships with both the residents and my co-workers. One of the residents I am close with just became a grandma and I am going to be a grandma very soon too. Last week, I hosted a gender reveal party for my daughter. I was given an envelope that contained the gender before the party. When I opened the envelope and found out the gender, I was so excited that I immediately shared it with the resident. It was so special to not only have her to share it with but to have that connection with her, which brings us even closer.
When you work at English Rose, you also share life’s most significant moments with your co-workers. We are truly like a family and we share our lives just like a family does. I am so close to the caregivers I work with. For example, one of our caregivers is getting married and she and I looked at wedding venues together. It was so fun and special to share this experience with her.
5. What is the benefit of all three of you working at English Rose? What do you like about working together?
All three of us are close, and we all get along really well. I am so proud and excited to watch my daughter Isabelle grow into this job. She shares stories and it’s so fun just to hear her excitement. When we get together, the rest of our family wonders if we will ever stop talking about work!
6. Do you have any takeaways from working at English Rose?
What really sets English Rose apart from other places is that the training here is so phenomenal. It prepares you for way more than just working in memory care. It gives you skills that you can use in both your personal life and your work environment. The training is transferable to so many situations. It’s really amazing.
The other thing I have learned from working here is not to sweat the small stuff. Every day is a blessing. It’s important to find purpose and value in your life and help other people find purpose and value in their lives.

Pictured: Jolynn and Ron, an English Rose resident, at a restaurant in 2014.
Meet Isabelle (Izzy)
Current job role: Caregiver
Time working at English Rose: 2 months

1. When did you start working at English Rose? What led you to this job?
Growing up, I saw my mom and grandma work as caregivers. I got to see the impact they had on the residents’ lives and the impact the residents have had on their lives. I wanted to experience that. I also wanted to work for English Rose because it’s a company that cares about its residents and its employees.
2. What do you like about working at English Rose and what do you like about its company culture?
I really like how much English Rose cares about the wellbeing of its residents. They take the time to collect information about each residents’ life. The focus is on who the resident is and you really get to know each individual you care for. I also really like that you get to know the other caregivers. Everyone is patient and nice, and I enjoy learning more about them. English Rose encourages everyone to have good relationships with both the residents and the other caregivers.
3. What’s your favorite memory at English Rose or favorite story?
When my sister and I were younger, we would frequently go with my mom to work and interact with the residents and talk with them. We would play bingo and do puzzles with them. We really got to know the residents. In fact, I named my dog, Douglas, after one of the residents I really liked.
Another favorite memory from my childhood is of a stuffed animal I had named Paula Bear. Paula was a resident who had a huge collection of stuffed teddy bears. When she passed away, her family gave all her caregivers and their families a bear from her collection as a way to remember her. I still have Paula Bear to this day!
4. What do you like about working with the residents and caregivers?
I really like getting to know the residents and the caregivers. Everyone is so interesting and they teach you so much. This week, I sat down to take one of the resident’s vitals and she looked at me and said, “Relax, and take it all in.” It was so sweet. When you connect with the residents and have those special moments, it’s the best part of the job.

5. What is the benefit of all three of you working at English Rose? What do you like about working together?
For me, I have benefited from knowing the company so well. Since I grew up coming to English Rose, I am very familiar with the homes and the company. I know it’s the right fit for me. I also know the impact English Rose has had in my mom and grandma’s lives. Seeing how they interact with the residents, how much they love English Rose, and knowing they wouldn’t want to work anywhere else has a significant impact on me.
6. Do you have any takeaways from working at English Rose?
It takes a certain type of person to be a caregiver. It’s a tough job, and it can be very physically and emotionally demanding. But at the same time, it’s very rewarding to connect with the residents. It’s hard to describe the experience. You can see who the residents were in the past in little parts of the day – when they sing their favorite songs or when they help in the kitchen. That’s so special. It’s truly an honor to be able to take care of the residents and to get to know them.